Mark, where do I start? We’ve been the best of friends since our early childhood, that’s almost 58 years – just where has that time gone? Looking back, all I can really remember is the laughter we always shared, amazingly never a single cross word between us. Laughter doesn’t really cover it; we’ve laughed until we’ve cried!
One of the best examples is when you treated me to a cuppa and a slice of cake in our local café, here in Wombourne. By the time we stopped howling I’m surprised the cake hadn’t gone stale. On the way out, the young lady who’d served us said “We have no idea what you two were laughing at, but you’ve had us in stitches just listening to you!” That sums it up rather nicely.
Thank you for all those years of friendship Mark, and trust me, you may be gone from us but you’ll never be forgotten, forever in my thoughts. I’ll always treasure your memory xxx.
18th January 2025